
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to draw a colourful circle using scratch

 My 3 rd Scratch tutorial..    My 3 rd Scratch tutoral I talk about How to draw colurfull circle using scratch.. This is a picture of the first project ..       This is a first project  code of the project..the picture is bellow. This is a second project picture.. This is a code of second project... This is a link of the video = Thanks for read my post..

My contact numbers..

***My contact numbers*** 💬💬💬💬    My phone number = 0788648348 My whatsapp number = 0788648348 My messenger number = 0711086327     

How to make a action button in power point presentation.

 .. our second tutorial about how to make action button in power point presentation.. Now you know what is our second power point tutorial...second tutorial about how to use action button in power point presentation...And I show picture about this , These are I used buttons ,  The buttons are A home button, A menu button, A back button, A next button, A exit button....  Hyper link this Buttons ,  Go action and hyper link these button... This is the project.. You can watch the video in  youtube....  

Power Point Tutorial

                               ..FIR ST POWER POINT TUTORIAL.. This is the first power pont tutorial.....this video we are talk about how to make 2d animation using  power is very easy to make 2d animation in sinhala. # This is a picture of we make 2d animation Thanks for read this post..I am Thehan Batagalla.Study at St.Thomas ' scollege Matale..Please subscribe and like our Future Is Here...